Lane Hyatt
Lane Hyatt has been with Strategic Consulting Services since July 2009. Prior to working at SCS, he worked in sales for Frio-Lay and prior to that worked as a Career Counselor. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in University Studies from Brigham Young University-Idaho.
Outside of work, Lane enjoys fishing with his kids, youth group leader, loves to find the sun, camping with family and exploring new places.

Lane Hyatt
Lane Hyatt has been with Strategic Consulting Services since July 2009. Prior to working at SCS, he worked in sales for Frio-Lay and prior to that worked as a Career Counselor. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in University Studies from Brigham Young University-Idaho.
Lane Hyatt has been with Strategic Consulting Services since July 2009. Prior to working at SCS, he worked in sales for Frio-Lay and prior to that worked as a Career Counselor. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in University Studies from Brigham Young University-Idaho.
Outside of work, Lane enjoys fishing with his kids, youth group leader, loves to find the sun, camping with family and exploring new places.
Service Area
» Career Guidance
» Disability Management L&I
Pierce, Snohomish and King Counties