Jessica Anderson
Jessica Anderson has been with Strategic Consulting Services since April 2009. Prior to working at SCS, Jessica worked as a VRC for Whittall Management Group and prior to that worked for the American Cancer Society.
Jessica has a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing Management from the University of Oregon. Outside of work, Jessica enjoys volunteering at her children’s school and sports programs, as well as little league and aquatics teams and swim clubs.

Jessica Anderson
Jessica Anderson has been with Strategic Consulting Services since April 2009. Prior to working at SCS, Jessica worked as a VRC for Whittall Management Group and prior to that worked for the American Cancer Society.
Jessica has a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing Management from the University of Oregon. Outside of work, Jessica enjoys volunteering at her children’s school and sports programs, as well as little league and aquatics teams and swim clubs.
Service Area
» Disability Management L&I
Pierce, Thurston and King Counties